The resources provided here are intended to inform and support all those concerned about and affected by the issues of school bullying and mental health and wellbeing. The CAPER team (Professor Phillip Slee and Dr Grace Skrzypiec) have proudly developed these resources over the past two decades. The resources on the CAPER site provide evidence-based research on the topics of bullying, mental health, stress and wellbeing.
Shute, R, & Slee, P.T., (2015). Child Development. Theories and critical perspectives. Routledge. Psychology Press.
Slee, P.T. & Skrzypiec, G. (2016). Well-being, positive peer relations and bullying in school settings. Springer, Switzerland.
Slee, P.T. (2017). School Bullying: Teachers Helping Students Cope. Routledge, Parl Square, London.
Skrzypiec, G., Wyra, M. & Didaskalou (2019). A Global Perspective of Young Adolescents’ Peer Aggression and Well-being: Beyond bullying
Shute, R. H. & Slee, P.T., (2021). Shute, R. H. & Slee, P. T., (2021). School bullying and marginalization: Harmonising paradigms.Singapore: Springer-Nature. 307 p.
Book Chapters
Roussi-Vergou, C., Andreou, E., Didaskalou, E., Slee, P.T. & Skrzypiec G. (2017)
Evaluation of the “Coping with Bullying” program in Greek Secondary schools: A repeated measure approach.Gordon, JU (Ed.) (2018). Best Practices in Bullying Continuum of Care: Prevention, Intervention and Recovery.Springer.
Bottroff, V., Spears, B. & Slee, P. (2018)
Bullying issues for students on the Autism Spectrum and their families. In the SAGE Handbook of Autism and Education.
Skrzypiec, G., Slee, P.T., Sandhu, D. & Kaur, S (2018). Bullying or Peer Aggression?
A pilot study with Punjabi adolescents. Pp. 45-61. IN P.K. Smith., Sunduram, S., Spears, B., Blaya, C, Schafer, M., Sandhu, D (Eds.) Bullying, Cyberbullying and Student Well-being in Schools(Eds.) Cambridge University Press, U.K.
Slee, P.T., Skrzypiec, G., Sandhu, D. & Kaur, S. & Campbell, M. (2018). Photostory:
A legitimate research tool in cross-cultural research.IN P.K. Smith., Sunduram, S., Spears, B., Blaya, C, Schafer, M., & Sandhu, D (Eds.) Bullying, Cyberbullying and Student Well-being in Schools(Eds.) Cambridge University Press, U.K.
Slee, P. (2019). School Prevention: How to develop an anti-bullying program IN School-Based Family Counseling: An Interdisciplinary Practitioner’s Guide. A. Gerrard, B., J. Carter, M. & Ribera, D. (eds.). London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis, p. 283-311 29 p.
Slee, P.T. & Spears, B. (2020). Australia’s approach to addressing bullying and well-being: A national collective response. IN Feeling safe in school: Bullying and violence prevention around the world. Cohen, J. & Espelage, D. L. (eds.). 1st ed. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Education Press, Vol. 1. p. 17-39 23 p.
Slee, P.T., (2022). School bullying and violence:A matter of human rights. IN Handbook of Health and Well-Being: Challenges, Strategies and Future Trends. Deb, S. & Gerrard, B. A. (eds.). 1st ed. Singapore: Springer , p. 179-202 24 p.
Refereed Journal Articles
Shute, R., Owens, L., & Slee, P. (2016). High School Girls’ Experience of Victimization by Boys: Where Sexual Harassment Meets Aggression.
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 25(3), 269-285.
Slee, P.T. and Skrzypiec, G.K. (2016). No more bullying: an analysis of primary school children’s drawings of school bullying. Educational Psychology, 36(8) pp. 1487-1500
Cross, D.,Shaw, T., Hadwen, K., Cardoso, P., Slee, P.,Roberts, C., Thomas, L., Barnes, A. (2016) Longitudinal impact of the Cyber Friendly Schools intervention on adolescents’ cyberbullying behavior. Aggressive Behavior. DOI: 10.1002/ab.21609
Young, H., Campbell, M., Spears, B., Butler, D., Cross, D. and Slee, P.T. (2016).
Cyberbullying and the role of the law in Australian schools: Views of senior officials. Australian Journal of Education, 60(1) pp. 86-101
Skrzypiec, G.K., Askell-Williams, H., Slee, P.T. and Lawson, M.J. (2018).
Involvement in bullying during high school: A Survival Analysis approach. Violence and Victims, 33(3) pp. 563-582.
Skrzypiec, G.K., Askell-Williams, H., Slee, P.T.and Lawson, M.J. (2018).
Involvement in bullying across year levels. Teacher, July 2018
Skrzypiec, G., Alinsug, E., Nasiruddin, U. A., Andreou, E., Brighi, A., Didaskalou, E., . . . Yang, C.-C. (2018). Self-reported harm of adolescent peer aggression in three world regions. Child Abuse & Neglect, (85), 101-117. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2018.07.030
Menabò, L., Skrzypiec, G., Slee, P. & Guarini, A., (2023) (E-pub ahead of print). What roles matter? An explorative study on bullying and cyberbullying by using eye-tracker. British Journal of Educational Psychology. 21 p., e12604.
Spears, B., Slee, P.T. & Huntley, J. (2015).
Cyberbullying, sexting, and the law. A report for the South Australian Minister for Education & Child Development. University of South Australia.