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Big Talks for Little People Mental Health Classroom Module

The Big Talks for Little People Mental Health Classroom Module is a primary school kit which aims to help school students better understand their mental health and enhance their well-being. This booklet provides a theoretical background to program constructs and includes suggested activities for 6 lessons of 35-40 minutes each. The program comprises 6 lessons incorporating 6 topics on mental health for young children.

Note: The area below is for people who have paid access to "Big Talks for Little People" or the "PEACE Pack" and are looking for surveys and the implementation index.

one eyed cartoon character that is smiling and pointing towards the text

Big Talks for Little People

Schools Module – International schools and Australian schools – Student survey
Schools Module – International schools and Australian schools – Teacher implementation index
HPE Module - Student Survey
HPE Module - Teacher Implementation Index
OSHC Module - Children Survey
OSHC Module - Teacher Implementation Index

The PEACE Pack

A program for reducing bullying in our schools – Student & Teacher Surveys

Schools have access to anonymous on-line surveys developed for students (i) years 3-4 (ii) 5-6 and (iii) 7-9.  Questions assess students’ self reported victimisation, bullying, coping skills, safety at school and well-being. The surveys are designed to be administered commencing week 1  and  finishing in week 8 of the 8 lesson intervention thereby enabling an evaluation of the success of the classroom intervention. Completing the surveys on-line provides feedback to schools and the opportunity to receive a confidential 2 page report. An on-line teacher implementation Survey is also available completed in the final week of the program and provides feedback to teachers regarding their understanding and knowledge of student mental health.

Student PEACE Pack Surveys



(Child and Adolescent Psychological and Educational Resources)

CAPER is for :

  • Teachers & Schools

  • Parents

  • Students


The resources provided here are intended to inform and support all those concerned about and affected by the issues of school bullying and mental health and wellbeing.


The CAPER team have proudly developed these resources over the past two decades. The resources on the CAPER site provide evidence-based research on the topics of bullying, mental health, stress and wellbeing.

Professor Phillip Slee

Professor Phillip Slee


close up of mobile phone with text message that reads 'you're ugly'



The issue of bullying is of international concern.  It is a physically harmful, psychologically damaging and socially isolating experience. The Directors of CAPER have been researching this topic with colleagues for over two decades. The website provides evidence based resources for teachers, parents and students to assist in addressing this matter from a positive strengths based perspective.

photo of five people jumping at the beach with the sun behond them creating silhouette shapes



The importance  of wellbeing has been written about and examined by poets &  philosophers, over time. Recently it has been subject to  considerable scientific research in order to better understand its nature. The CAPER site provides resources developed and evaluated by the Directors. Its integral relationship with the issue of bullying has been carefully researched by the Directors and their colleagues.

image of a young child on the flaw holding their hands against thier ears, face screwed up, highly concerned or upset



A related issue to bullying and wellbeing is that  of "stress". Stress is the body's way of responding to demand or pressures & in  many cases stress is a healthy reaction helping us cope with life's challenges. Too much stress, or prolonged stress (eg bullying) can affect our physical and mental health. This issue has been carefully examined by the Directors in relation to the effects of stress for adults, young people and children.

image of a young lady smiling, sitiing inside about to eat some food out of a bowl



The Directors of CAPER are parents with a background in teaching,   developmental psychology and education and so a significant focus of their research is understanding  how we develop, grow and change across the life-span. The CAPER site provides important  resources to assist teachers, students and parents consider issues throughout the life-course.  

Slee, P.T. Campbell, M., & Spears, B. (2nd. Edt.)(2012),  Child, Adolescent and Family Development.  Cambridge University Press. Melbourne

Slee, P.T. (2017). School Bullying: Teachers Helping Students Cope. Routledge, Parl Square, London.

Slee, P.T. & Skrzypiec, G. (2016). Well-being, positive peer relations and bullying in school settings. Springer, Switzerland.


 Slee,P.T.Skrzypiec, G.,  & Cefai, C. (2018). (eds), Child and adolescent wellbeing and violence prevention in schools, Routledge, United Kingdom.

Murray-Harvey, R & Slee, P.T. (1998). Family stress and school adjustment. Predictors across the school years. Early Child Development and Care, 145. 133-149.


Murray-Harvey, R., & Slee, P.T. (2010). School and Home Relationships and Their Impact on School Bullying, School Psychology International. 31, 271-295



Please feel free to send us your thoughts or questions! We would love to hear from you. 

Thanks for getting in touch!

© Child and Adolescent Psychological Educational Resources 2024
Website by Blend Creative, a socially inclusive design studio.

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